
Posted by Sanchit

I've been spending most of my time on a new Real Estate related community Active Rain. Here are a few of my recent posts.

If you would like to be added to this community please let me know.

Are Mortgage Rates Heading Higher? Foreign bonds are creeping up in value making US bonds look less attractive.

Oregons New Gold Rush? Wave Energy Parks Could this be the solution to our energy problem and the coast's economic woes?

When is a Pre-Approval not a Pre-Approval? Is your pre-approval worth the paper it's printed on?

What is a buydown and should you do it? This old classic is coming back into vogue.

Getting the most out of memberships in anything. How to make use of the groups and orginizations that you belong to.

Who should attend an inspection? - Thoughts on this touchy subject.

Sherwood Oregon: Destination to Wine Country. Washington County has plans to make Sherwood a hub on a scenic tour.

See ya at the closing. Does your lender show up at closings? He (or she) should! Here's why.

Portland Oregon 2nd highest appreciation in the nation. Oregon's still got some real estate steam.

SubPrime Prime Time. Who is to blame and is there a solution?

Should I cut and paste? How do copyright laws affect us on the internet? I'll bet you've broke them...

As you can see I've been busy.

Check back often to either blog. I usually post on Active Rain more often then here.

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